When it comes to your goals: Hold the vision, trust the process.

Online Nutrition
You Can't Outrun Your ForkAre you wanting to transition into a healthy lifestyle? Looking to rock that bikini for your cruise? Or simply...
Personal and Group Training
Your Best SelfOne-on-one in person training available in the DFW metroplex. See calendar for availability. Please email Athena for rates.
Online Training
Too far away to train with Athena? No problem. Custom online training plans are available and tailored to YOU....
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Pounds Pressed
Days Without Donuts
Public Impact
From the Training Floor…
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Shape Yourself
Balance is key – Use my accountability for your fitness goals via inbox. Join my e-mail list for motivation, exclusive workout content & invite-only offers.

About Athena
A health and fitness professional located in Dallas, TX.
She holds certification as a Specialist in Fitness Nutrition the International Sports Sciences Association.
Working with a wide age-range and variety of people, Athena holds the confidence and skill set to help you achieve your personal fitness and health goals.



After my first consultation with Athena, I knew that I wanted to work with her. After 8 weeks on her program, my body had completely transformed! I lost 16lbs and over 10% body fat!! With Athena, it was most definitely the support and guidance she brought that lead to my success. She held me accountable every week and when I had my slip ups, she was right there to get me back on track.
I reached out to Athena after a group fitness class saying, “I got this going to class thing down but my eating is out of control.” Athena then told me about her passion for nutrition and helping others. She soon put me on a nutrition regimen and I have not looked back. To date, I’ve lost 20 pounds, but more importantly have gained confidence, knowledge, energy, and happiness. Don’t wait – you owe it to yourself to work with Athena! You will not regret it!
I’ve struggled and researched for years on what type of foods I should be eating for my height and body goals. I explained to Athena my goal was to lean out but keep a toned fit look. In the past, I would lean out but look “skinny” and lose my muscle. I was tired of wasting my time and not getting results. Athena’s plans are not a generalized one size fits all. She designed a training guide and meal plan customized for me. I loved the fact that she incorporated foods on my plan that I liked, which has truly helped me stay on track. The most unique element that sold me on working with Athena was her weekly check-ins. She provides accountability, by asking you to send front, back and side shots of you in your bikini. Not only did this motivate me to want to eat well throughout the week, it was rewarding to have guaranteed progress photos of my hard work. My waist has never been this small, and I must say, I love it!
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