#Focus on the prize ⭐️
Are you still staying the course of your 2018 resolutions? Stay consistent! They say that by January 15th ~ 92% of New Years resolution-er’s fall off. DON’T be included in that percentage! Here are a few ways to help stay on track:
1. Write down your goal setting objectives ?
Have them in front of you on a daily basis. In your planner, on your bathroom mirror, on your fridge, on a vision board (love these!) or as a reminder on your phone.
2. Create a plan to reach your goals ?
Your plan should be detailed in the steps you need in order to reach your goal, what will happen in each step, how you will track your progress, etc. Being detailed with this will help you reach your goal and become successful.
3. Break your goal into baby goals (baby steps
Having a year to reach your goal is a long time, you may forget or be overwhelmed by it. Break your goal up into 12 “baby steps”, one for each month of the year. Basically, each month would be a step that get’s you closer to the overall jackpot goal! ? You can make the duration as long or short as you need, of course!
4. Keep track of your progress & make necessary changes
REVIEW your progress often. You may want to check in daily, weekly or monthly, depending on what type of goal you have & what personally works for you.
5. Find ways to motivate yourself when setting goals
Create a vision board! I love these so much. I will be hosting a Vision Board Party towards the end of this month in January ?
. There will be cryotherapy, IV Rehydration Specialists, Hydrostatic weighing, and healthy snacks & beverages (BYOB). Please come if interested! Some other motivating ways include making it a friendly competition with a buddy or rewarding yourself when you achieve your “baby goals
One m
ore thing: Make sure you HAVE FUN & ENJOY THE PROCESS!
The journey is beautiful. Keep your eyes open and take it all in!
Contact Me if you need a jump start on your health and fitness goals & let’s make these goals come to life!
Thanks for reading! xoxo
Best of Health,